Friday, February 1, 2013

Small Leprechaun Pin

OK!  Start with a pattern traced on a piece of 1/4" Basswood.  I always try to add an inch or so to the base of the pattern for a "handle" to keep my fingers away from the knife blade.  Cut this pattern out (I use a scroll saw).  The following steps have the instruction below the photo.
Make a stop cut at the top of the hat brim, and cut down to this stop cut, then make cuts to round the top of the hat.
Make stop cut at the bottom of the hat brim and around the ear.  Cut up to this stop cut to narrow the face and the back of the head.  Be careful not to cut the ear off.
Make a stop cut around the arm and the shoulders.  Relieve the wood to these stop cuts to isolate the arm.  Remove a wedge of wood at the inside elbow.
Make a stop cut at the top of the show and then round off the belly and the legs to this stop cut.  Round off the bottom of the beard.
Remove some wood from the sharp edges of the arm and shoulder, and taper the arm into the pants pocket.
Narrow the hat brim.  Make stop cut to define the beard, then relieve wood down to this stop cut.
Make a shallow stop cut to define the vest, then relieve the wood up to this stop cut.  Shape the shoe and the ear.
All that remains is to give the Leprechaun a scrub with a denture brush and some dish soap; then paint and attach a pin back.    Here's a pattern.

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