Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Senior Center Carving

Just another Tuesday at the Senior Center.  I just wandered around a shot some photos of some of what is being carved.  We have a group of very diverse carvers that meets every Tuesday morning.  Some are new to the wood carving adventure, and some have been active carvers for a much longer time.  It's a really great group, and one that I am proud to be a member of.

Here's a sample of what's happening today.


  1. still meet at 9am

  2. SAM, Yep, but someones always there early. 8:30 AM to 11:00AM on Tuesdays. You're always welcome.


  3. I think pekna praca roughy translates to english as "nice handiwork"...

    Anyway, thanks Jan Sima.

    Tom H


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