Monday, December 16, 2013

Shows, Sales, and Commissions - Part 2

Okay, I decided to sell some whittling/carvings and Noah's Arks sets.  An Art Festival was a first choice.  This was a street festival in town and very well attended.

In addition to the Noah's Arks I had some Gnomes and tree ornaments.
With this set up I always made my expenses, along with some pocket change.  But like so many others I soon became disappointed with the sales.   My disappointment caused much thinking and analyzing, which caused me to remember why I started to sell in the first place.  I'm retired!  This is not my job!  This is a way to let me continue to do the things I love to do.  Whittle/carve and make Noah's Arks.  In fact, as soon as I realized this, I began to lower some of my prices.  Lower prices means more sales.  More sales means more folks happy to have my whittlings/carvings and Noah's Arks. 
Moral of the story:  Don't forget why you whittle and carve.  Unless, of course, you're a much better wood carver than I'll ever be; and need the money from sales in order to survive.  Instead, I think I've convinced myself that I need to whittle and carve to survive.

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