Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easy Eyebrows!

It's the details that make a carving.  And some times these details are small and therefore appear to be very difficult to carve.  But some do not have to be difficult.  Take eyebrows for instance.  Most newer carvers paint them on.  This can work very well, but there is an easy way to carve them.

You will need a small U gouge, your knife, and your thumb nail..  There are only three steps to carving the eyebrow.


To carve the eyebrows, start at the flat area above the nose.

Use a small U gouge to separate the flat area above the nose.

With your knife, isolate the eyebrows from the bottom of the hat by making paring cuts up to the bottom of the hat.

Press your thumb nail into the raised and isolated area to give texture to the eyebrows.

For a more finished look, use a small V tool to texture the eyebrows.

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