Tuesday, January 26, 2016

New Whittlers Class Port St Joe FL

This is second of a two day class for new wood carvers.  The classes were held at THE ARTERY  STUDIO in Port St Joe, Florida, and totaled six hours.

1.  Opened with review of the basic knife cuts, and an explanation of how the projects for today were a continued application of these basic cuts.

2.  Demonstration on whittling the 5 MINUTE WIZARD.  It was demonstrated that the knife cuts practiced on the Sampler are the same used on the Wizard.

3.  The 5 Minute Wizard,

4.   The SANTA ornament.  Again, whittling the Santa incorporated the same knife cuts as used on the Sampler and the wizard, but many are now merely curved instead of straight cuts.

5.  The standing Gnome or Santa.   This project was introduced to show how to whittle in the round and not on the corner.

Each class member left the class with several blanks and other pieces of Basswood so that they  could continue.  They all have Heinecke Wood Products address and telephone number, and a solid endorsement and instructions to order some Basswood.

The class was a winner for me!  All members successfully completed the projects.  I judge the class a success, not only because we had so much fun,  and all members completed the pieces, but several purchased their first whittling/carving knives.  I will take that as an intent to continue to learn and to practice.


  1. Tom do you still draw out the face on the Santa that you carve so often or do you have the cuts pretty much memorized after doing so many?

  2. Thanks for your comment/question, Doug. Yes I do still sketch the Santa prior to whittling. I do this for several reasons. First, is to make sure I leave enough room at the top for the hat and the bottom for the beard. Second, is to attempt to get the right expression. And I have found that if I don't sketch the features, the eyes seldom end up the same.


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