Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wood Carvings In Scenes (Mixed Media)

Many times we are asked to do a carving within a scene.  Here's two such examples.  The first is a photo of a Gnome "Harley" rider.

I was did this piece for a friend whose husband is an avid motorcycle rider.  Some wood carvers may not like the idea of placing a wood carving on a metal die cast motorcycle.  I have no problem with it.  I think the mixing of the wood carving and the metal bike work well together and convey the intended message.

Here's another Gnome mixed with a non wood item.
Once again, a friend asked me to carve a Gnome playing a baritone horn,  This was a gift to a person who taught brass horn players.  The horn is a Christmas tree ornament, and not wood.  Certainly not carved by me.  But I think it works fine.

My message, "don't be afraid to mix things up"; hence the words "mixed media".


  1. I found your blog over the weekend. I went back to the post from 2009 forward to the current post. As a beginner, I wish that I had found this blog about six months ago. Many questions have been answered, thank you. I lost my father a little over a year ago and we lost my mother a few years ago. The items hand crafted by them are the items my sister and I cherish the most. I look forward to creating items that can be passed down also.
    Thank you for carrying on the torch for your friend. I am sorry for your loss, but I can see a legacy that has been left. I have read many books and many different opinions on blades. I started with a huge 2 inch block as my first project. Mistake for sure. My best carvings come from just a pocket knife and a piece of a cedar branch carved in a deer stand waiting on a deer to come out. Carve look up, repeat. The 1/2 to 3/4 basswood square sticks will be with me next season for sure. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and patterns. I look forward to attempting to do many of them.
    With respect, Doug

  2. Doug,

    Thanks for taking the time to check out the blog. And thanks for such nice comments. Your words and thoughts about leaving hand crafted items for family are especially meaningful. I don't have a lot of such items, but the ones I do have I would never part with. I think that leaving special hand made items for family is an important activity. Carved items can fill that bill. Thanks again.

    Tom Hindes


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