Thursday, May 5, 2016

Whittling Small Flat Plane Style

I have always liked the Flat Plane carving style.  A number of years ago I gave it a try, but found the technique a bit more demanding than my limited abilities.  I was not easy making those long clean flat planes in the wood.  About that time I meet Floyd Radigan at the GOW (Gathering of Woodcarvers).  I liked Floyd's style of carving, which he described  as a combination of flat plane and traditional.  Actually, Floyd Radigan and Gene Messer influenced me more than anyone in woodcarving.  I like to think that I can now accomplish a reasonable flat plane wood carving.  There is however, one tip that I wish I had discovered or been told earlier, way earlier.  Flat Plane carving is much easier to accomplish when you whittle small.

Here's a small Gnome in my rendition of Flat Plane whittling.

1 comment:

  1. Tom. Decided to order your book. Looking forward to it as I love your blog.


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