Monday, November 21, 2016

Santa Ornaments and pins

Planning ahead is always nice,  But when you forget that you are not participating in any Christmas sales this year, you end up with lots of Santa ornaments and pins.  Believe it or not this is only a small collection of what I have.  Since I whittle every day when having my coffee at the local diner, lots of folks will be gifted whether they want it or not.


  1. Good to see you back!
    And thank you for all the tutorials!

  2. Hi, Tom! Am I missing the subscribe (to be notified via email) link? Can't figure out how to be notified of your new posts.

  3. Michelle, I'll try to see whats happenin, but don't have too much knowledge of this blogger site. I do know that blogger is not the most user friendly. I guess you'll just have to keep on checkin it out. Thanks for your interest and for checking out my blog.

  4. Tom, your blog, your carving and the tutorials are wonderful. They sure make my beginning carving more interesting and better.

    I'm trying to figure out how to finish the wood, you have a few hints around, but no real do this, use that post. Like, if I want to paint it, should I use a conditioner like Howard's Feed n Wax? Or will the wax part cause problems.

    Thanx for such a sharing attitude, hope you are cozy warm on the beach this December

  5. Surfbunny,
    Freezin butt off, won;t be in FL until first of Feb.

    I first decide whether I'll paint the ornament or not..One of the most difficult things when painting is to keep the colors from bleeding one to the other. You can either woodburn a line between the parts of the carving that will be different colors, or seal the wood.


    Thanks for your intrest and nice comments.....Tom


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