Saturday, May 20, 2017

Past Projects

This post is the 576th post that I have made to this blog.  That's a lot of carving information and projects.  Some of the older posts have fallen off the end of the blog, and are no longer available.  That is why I will periodically highlight some of the projects that have been posted in the past.


  1. At one point I think I read through most of the posts. I am always looking forward to the next one. Thanks for all of the posts.

  2. Joshua, Thanks for following the blog, and thanks for leaving a comment.

  3. Thank you very much for the blog. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to post all these woodcarving how to's. I really want to try and carve the snowman that you presented. I think that it would be equally difficult and fun for me to try as a beginner. I really enjoyed how you showed us that we can make our own wood carvings out of scrap wood. It never really occurred to me that you could save the wood after you have cut it. Also, drawing on the wood in order to cut it into direct shapes was a great idea. Just like carving a pumpkin, you are able to carve the design that you are trying to achieve in the wood.

  4. Thanks for reading the blog and for comments.....


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