Sunday, June 18, 2017

Presentation for Shows/Sales An Example!

I have found it always best to spend some time with thinking about how you "present" carvings at shows and sales.  In a previous post I featured a project of small skulls.

This whittling project will result in lots of these small skulls.  Each small skull will have either a pin back or a tie tack back adhered,  They will probably be priced at $1.00 or $2.00 each.

I could have several of the skulls on my table ready for sale, then replenish them as they sell. 

 Or I could present the skulls a bit differently.

Lots of different ways of item presentation.  I like the skull pins/magnets in a small coffin, where folks can select one from many.

There is usually lots of folks at carving shows, and the idea is to get the folks to stop and look at your pieces; and hopefully make a purchase.   I  think the coffin display will be more effective than a pin or too on the table,,,,

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Tom, like they say it's all in the Presentation! !!


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