Tuesday, November 6, 2018

This years Santa ornament (2018)

Rather than whittling a Santa and attaching an Eye piece to hang the ornament on the tree, I decided to attach Santa to a backing. 

You can see that my theme is wood, and natural wood at that.  The ornament on the left is attached to a piece of old barn wood.  The ornament on the right has been glued to a slice of tree limb with the bark attached.

I think that the whittled Santa and the natural wood backing add a "woodsy" look to the ornaments, and will look great on either a green wreath or Christmas tree.

I was not as diligent in my whittling at the diner this year as in the past, but I still managed to whittle 75 Santa's.  I'm guessing that you have figured out another reason why I "dip" my Santa's instead of painting....


  1. Yea Tom this is Michael Lahmon from the Deleware carving group, ok i haven't been there in a long time but i still remember everything you taught me. I still have the 100 yr old Poplar you gave me years ago, I'm turning it into one of my santa ornaments. Glad to see your still at it Tom, It's been a coons age since I've picked up a knife but i just got back into it again here recently.
    Just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for the instructions all those years ago. Now that my grandsons are getting older i'll be passing it all to them soon.
    Hope to see you again sometime.

  2. Good to hear from you Mike. Its been a while. Glad you are getting back into some carving..
    Thanks for such nice comments.....


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