Sunday, February 24, 2019

UPDATE About this BLOG!

Recent changes in my life have caused me to not be as attentive to my Blog as I should and want to be.  I am in the final stages of downsizing.  I am not on a diet, but the house I have lived in for the past 46 years is too big for me to maintain.  I have to clean the place up of 46 years of accumulated stuff, and get ready to move.

I am in the process of purchasing a house on the Florida Panhandle, where I will be moving very shortly.  The Florida house is near the beach and has lots of porch and deck, all of which will be utilized for whittling.

So, very shortly I'll be more attentive to the Blog with more postings that I hope you all will find interesting, and maybe even helpful.

Thank you for viewing.........


  1. Good for you my friend. It should be a great adventure. Wish you the best. Hope to see you on your blog and forum when you aren't carving away.

  2. Welcome to Florida, permanently! Glad to have you.

  3. Thanks! Some folks think I am nuts, but not one friend who lives in Florida thinks that way. I am looking forward to screened in porches, decks, sand, warmer weather, and oh yeah - a more laid back life style. I already have many good friends where I'll be living....

  4. Good luck on your new adventure! Hope to see you back soon!

  5. Hope you got settled in. I am in Panama City.

  6. Thanks for the inquiry and reading the blog. Settled in? Not completely.Everything was going well then this virus messes it all up. But, it's working out. Have taught one class through the local ART Gallery, Published another book, and am spending lots of time whittling....


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