Monday, April 1, 2019

New Whittling from the Beach

Finally settled, at least to the point of whittling.  Most of my tools and stuff is still in OHIO, but my scroll saw came down with me.  The hurricane took out everything from under the house, up to about 7 foot from the floor.  The house is on 8 to 9 foot piling so the house was basically OK.  After connecting some piling with walls to form a work area I set about to build a solid bench for the scroll saw.  I used salvaged wood from several houses that did not fare so well.  This saw table must weigh several hundred pounds and is very stable.

After deciding what to carve/whittle I cut some blanks from some Basswood  that I brought with me.
Here's what I whittled, and made into pendents, and a shelve sitter.

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