Sunday, August 25, 2019

BACK And Posting!

It has been four months since I've posted, and I apologize.  In one of my last posts I mentioned that I was dealing with some changes in my life.  What I did not realize was how extensive this can be.  In one day several things happened that I thought I handled.  My wife of 56 years was diagnosed with a form of fast progressing dementia and the same day I rolled and totaled a new vehicle.  I refused transport to the hospital because I thought I was OK.  One week later at the gym an ER doctor friend took one look at me and said "You don't look good, what happened"?  I told her and she she said "What did the ER say"?  I said,"I am fine".  She said no you're not, you eyes tell me your might have had more than just a bump on the head.  She said I still should see a doctor, that there are all sorts of delayed responses to a head injury.  The doctor said a most prevalent response is memory issues.

To make this a shorter story, it seems that I actually forgot about this blog.  I don't mean that I just kept putting off posting.  It happened just like my doctor friend explained.  The Blog was gone from my memory, and then yesterday while clearing some copy from my computer I found it - just like that.  I wonder how many other things I have forgotten and have yet to find.  Maybe there is a winning lottery ticket with my name on it!

The one piece of information that can be learned is to have yourself checked out if you are in a accident, understand that all injuries are not completely physical and obvious.

But I am back, and it feels like I never left.

I am completing another book for Fox Chapel Publishing, which will be released this fall or winter.  The main trust of the book will focus on the newer woodcarver, or more specific whittler.  The book will use the flat plane style of carving to introduce the newer carver to whittling.  The book will simplify the flat plane carving style to three basic knife cuts.  The main thrust of the book will focus on knife technique.  Projects will be presented step-by-step that will result in a completed piece that will provide the reader an early whittling success.

Here's an example of the SIMPLIFIED FLAT PLANE style.

Thank for hanging in there!

Tom Hindes


  1. Tom, ditto to you. Thanks for hanging in there. Here's to many more years of good health and good carving. You and your instruction are an inspiration to many. Keep it up!

  2. So sorry to hear this Tom! Prayers for your wife, and you, during this time. And here I thought it was just because of the move to Florida!

  3. Thanks for commenting Brian. Actually, my move to the Panhandle in Florida was a blessing. I am precisely where the Southern culture, and good food are taken for granted. I have made friends of some of the best folks around. I do think that for every year you live by the beach in Florida you gain one year of life.

  4. Eric,
    Thank you so much for such a nice comment. I will try to provide some new ideas and projects that will be fun to do....Tom

  5. I am so glad that you are back my friend. I was really worried about you. Hope and pray for the best for you.


  6. Rob,
    Thanks for remembering the Blog. Thanks for your kind comment. I'll do my best to keep on coming up with posts that will inspire and motivate whittlers to keep on whittling.

  7. Good to have you back!


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