Wednesday, July 4, 2018

More simplified Flat Plane whittling

These are so easy and fun once you cut the blank.  I really don't think I need to add the step by step.  I am using these as first projects for beginners to learn and practice knife cuts for whittling.  Most will complete at least one animal, and be excited about it too.


  1. Hi Tom, I just found your blog and have been reading it for over an hour now. What a great thing for you to share your talent and skill with us beginners. I've also been doing your 5-minute wizard. I've carved about 10 of the them in the past few days, trying to get the hang of it. Just want to say thanks for sharing your art.

  2. Well I would just like to comment that I have a just spent a couple of weeks reading every blog and it has helped me no end, thank you!
    Although I power carve and don't use a knife, I have taken up your idea of carving a santa every day I can

    Regards Tim

  3. Thank you for sharing this, when I was starting my first lesson in sculpturing, the first we did in the class is carving and as I remember we are all excited to finish our first work, it was fun even we're starting to hurt our finger because we found out that we are wrong on how to hold the sculpture supply tool. Those were the happy days of sculpturing class.

  4. Thank you Gine,for reading the Blog, and thanks for the comment.. Tom H

  5. Love those animals Tom .always my favorite


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