Saturday, August 25, 2018

Do as I say, not as I do!

When teaching or showing others how to carve, it is important to demonstrate how to safely and properly use the tools.  All of us develop bad and unsafe habits when we carve.  I think it is critical to set a good example when we ourselves carve, especially in the presence of those we instruct.  But really all the time.  Thus the old saying DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO.

I am one who needs to be reminded of this all the time.  For the past month, I have made a real effort to apply all the safe whittling techniques that I try to offer in instruction.  This effort started out with thumb guards, and progressed to safe knife use.  This means that I have had to slow down a bit and think before I make knife cuts.

Guess what?  No knife sticks or cuts!  No blood!  And another bonus; cleaner finished pieces.

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