Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 The other day someone responded to a post that I put up on another site,    They reminded me that It's been a while since I posted anything on this BLOG.  They did not say it, but I heard it - "was I still among the living"?  Well, I am among they living!  In fact I think I am living quite well.  I am not so sure that some in the local medical community would agree.  Perhaps that's because they are all young and don't seem to grasp that older folks are --well OLD.  They forget that anything old is not the same as YOUNG.  I still can say that I live well. I am not the same as I was ten years ago or even two years ago.  There are several differences.  One is MOTIVATION, and the other is MEMORY involved in the use of the computer and the various programs necessary to write, edit, and post an interesting post that includes art work and photographs.

I still live on the Gulf coast on the Florida PANHANDLE, near INDIAN PASS.  I takes me only several minutes to walk to the water.  Up until several months ago I made this walk twice a day.  Several months ago my ACHILLES Tendon began to act up.  Two months ago my ACHILLES Tendon was diagnosed as having a serious tear.  Now I am wearing a boot to immobilize the Foot/ankle and Tendon and give it a chance to heal.  Following the boot (if it is successful ) I start physical therapy.  For the time being, I am still wearing DAS BOOT.  The phrase DAS BOOT is how I refer to the boot.  DAS BOOT is the title of a movie about a WWII German submarine.

Meanwhile I am attempting to MOTIVATE myself to REVIVE this BLOG.  I have discovered that at 82 and soon to be 83, one needs to STIMULATE and use their brain to maintain any kind or level of activity..

Stay with me!  I am having to learn how to walk again.  


  1. Tom, I'm glad to hear you're still among us. At least das Boot should give you more time to carve! Have you considered Instagram instead of the blog? As someone aging rapidly as well I find it's less typing and more just taking a quick photo. Very easy to maintain.

  2. Thanks Brian,

    I'll look into it. I don't mind the writing. I do have trouble finding the photo and then adding photos.



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