Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 Life is like a roll of toilet paper!  The closer you get to the end the faster it seems to go!

Well sometimes it sure seems that way.  The days, weeks, and months do seem to fly by faster.  But on the other hand projects seem to take (me) longer and longer to get done.  Lets be honest about that too.  Everything takes me longer and longer to do.  Perhaps the thing that takes the longest is motivation to just get started.

I may have just got motivated.  It is a recent posting by a reader of this blog.  Rob, asked if I was OK.  I realized that I had not posted on this blog for a very long time.  No excuses!  Well crap, I got lots of excuses.  But all must be overcome.  I think one post might continue the motivation.

When I moved to Florida almost two years ago I decided that it was time for me to share and give back. I mean share some of my whittling.  At every opportunity I try to give an appropriate carving to someone.  Since I was new in Florida I had to make new friends.  What a great opportunity.  Where I am is kind of a vacation spot, with lots of tourists.  Tourists have kids, and folks who live here have grandkids and great grand kids.  Lots of these folks have received a small carving as a gift from me. I did find one flaw in by plan.  Word spread, and I became busy; really busy keeping supplied with the small carvings to gift.  I am not complaining, as I need to be kept busy.  However, my other endeavers have not recieved the attention they deserve.  I have previsously posted some of the items I'm talking about.  Here's some more:

The above copy is the last thing that I did to post on this blog.  It was saved as a draft.  At least that is what one explanation says,  Another explanation says it was published om 9/24/20  5:57 AM.  Everything written in this draft is still true today, over a year later.  During this year + I have failed to post anything.  I guess the only thing that has changed is that I am getting older.  For this I am happy.  On my last birthday I was 82.  I have learned lots of stuff in the last several years.

I have been compared to a 1939 FORD that is still on the road.  A lot of rust, some of it visible.  My shocks are shot, 

1 comment:

  1. I'm another Rob that is glad to hear that you're doing well. When I started carving 10 years ago, you were a great teacher and inspiration for me--especially since I love carving gnomes and wizards. Looks like you're staying busy and enjoying those views!


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